Sven-Olof Enfors, PhD
Prof. emeritus, biochemical technology

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

View summary of previous research.

View list of publications.


Textbooks for downloading

Enfors: Fermentation Process Technology (2019)
This textbook (220 pages)  is a considerable extension of the previous Fermentation Process  Engineering booklet, now including also
basic biological concepts for bioreactors, sterilisation, scale-up, and simulation algorithms.   (See content).

You can download it as pdf (14.7 MB). It is intended for your personal use (see the preface).
To receive a download link, send an (empty) email to, and you will receive an automated reply containing a download link.

For screen readers,  a  navigation system has been inluded, by which you quickly can switch to/from figures and equation that are referred to in
 the text. ( I do not know about any system for pdf to get graphics to display in tooltips). See preface for navigation instructions !

Enfors: Food microbiology. An introduction to the ecology of microbial food spoilage, and food preservation methods (94 pages).
View list of content.
Download the booklet? (.pdf / 8.3 MB). In order to receive a download link, send an (empty) email to:, and you will receive an automated reply containing a temporary download link.

MATLAB tools for downloading

     SimuPlot 6 (October 2018 )

SimuPlot6 works on both Mac and Windows with MATLAB version 2014b or later.
Some SimuPlot functions do not work on MATLAB versions previous to 2014b.

SimuPlot 6 has improved editing functions including possibilities to create multi-graph windows and use of MATLABs UIcontext menus (mouse right-click) for fast editing of plots, axes and text.

A MATLAB toolbox for simulation and data plotting with multiple individual axes. SimuPlot was primarily developed for simulation of fermentation processes like fed-batch cultures and chemostats. Also other simulations can be performed by entering user specified models in the SIMSPEC-file that specifies the simulation. Experimental data from .txt files (e.g. from Excel) can be plotted on the simulation graphs.

No previous experience of MATLAB is needed to run the included simulation files.

The simulation graph here illustrates start-up and control of a fed-batch fermentation process. When the initial substrate (S) was exhausted after 6 hours, a constant feed (F) of concentrated S- solution was started, which stabilized DOT, and switched the biomass (X) increase pattern from exponential to approx. linear. At 9 hrs the flow rate F was doubled.

For more info about plotting and simulation functions of SimuPlot 6 and for free downloading of SimuPlot 6 press here

Simulation of a fed-batch culture

UnPlot2 data scanner

A MATLAB toolbox for converting graphical data to numeric tables: Scan a graph with data plots, or make a screen dump of a the graph. Save the figure in .jpg  format . Open this file with UnPlot2. Pick data points with the mouse, or scan a plot, and save the numeric values in a .txt file that can be opened with e.g. Excel or MATLAB for further handling.

For more info and downloading UnPlot2: press here

Page updated Sep. 23, 2019